; DATA_list: 20160612_EVE_L0CS_DIODES_1m.txt ; Created: Sun Jun 12 23:59:11 2016 UTC ; Origin: SDO/EVE Science Processing and Operations Center, LASP/CU ; Units: W/m^2 for irradiance, dark is counts/(0.25s sample), quadrants are unitless, solar lat & lon are deg ; Source: SDO-EVE ESP and MEGS-P instruments, http://lasp.colorado.edu/eve ; Product: Level 0CS, 1-minute averaged SDO-EVE Solar Indices from broadband photometers ; Version: 4.0, code updated 2014-Jan-02 ; Missing data: -1.00e+00 ; Column descriptions: ; HHMM: hour and minute in UT ; XRS-B proxy: a model of the expected XRS-B 0.1-0.8 nm value, calculated using two-component method ; XRS-A proxy: a model of the expected XRS-A value ; SEM proxy: a model of the expected SEM 26-34 nm value ; 0.1-7ESPquad: the total irradiance over the ESP quadrant diode 0.1-7 nm ; 17.1ESP: ESP irradiance measurement near 17.1 nm ; 25.7ESP: ESP irradiance measurement near 25.7 nm ; 30.4ESP: ESP irradiance measurement near 30.4 nm ; 36.6ESP: ESP irradiance measurement near 36.6 nm ; darkESP: ESP dark diode count